Scholar Impact

Scholar Profile

First in their Family to Attend College

The Cooperman College Scholars program helps Scholars to trailblaze new pathways in their families and communities. Cooperman Scholars are graduating college at an impressively high rate of 85%, despite the oft-cited research which confirms that students whose parents do not attend college have less access to postsecondary education and a lower likelihood of successfully completing a college degree.

First to Attend College


Family Economic Background

Federal Pell Grants are awarded to help make college more affordable for undergraduate students with financial need as determined by family income. 92% of Cooperman Scholars received Pell Grants during one or more years of their college education.


Received Pell Grants

Essex County, NJ School Districts

Cooperman College Scholars is exclusively based in Essex County, New Jersey, and is focused on increasing equity through college completion. Over 50% of Cooperman Scholars hail from Newark – New Jersey’s largest city. Scholars represent over 38 High Schools across the county.

NOTE: This data is inclusive of charter and traditional public schools in each district.

Essex County, NJ School Districts
School District Percentage of Scholars
Newark City
Essex County Schools of Technology
East Orange
Other (including West Orange, Belleville & Montclair)
Irvington Township

Limitless Achieve Courageous Believe Excellence Purpose Dream Gifted Dynamic Aspire Succeed Determined