About Us
Mission & Goals
Cooperman College Scholars is a scholarship program that helps highly motivated, academically talented, under-represented students thrive in college. We provide students with solid support systems and help eliminate the pressures of insufficient financial aid to graduate from competitive colleges and universities.

"It is a privilege to be part of Cooperman College Scholars. This program invested in my education and its investment will never be in vain. I will continue to work hard, soar and dedicate myself to education in order to benefit my community by giving back to the fullest. I have been graced by being a Cooperman College Scholar.
Thank you!!"
Thank you!!"

Lydia Otoo
Rutgers University Newark
- Expand the pipeline of talented and exceptional students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds who successfully attend and graduate from top colleges and universities, via recruitment, pre-college training and college transition support.
- Enhance student readiness for academic rigor and social integration in college.
- Partner with outstanding career programs and organizations to enhance post-graduation success.