How to Become A Scholar
Selection Criteria
Selection Criteria
Academic Excellence
They have demonstrated a strong academic performance. They have earned a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better on a 4.0 scale or have clearly demonstrated an upward academic trajectory.
College Aspiration
They are excited about learning, driven to attend, and motivated to graduate from college.
They inspire others through their perseverance in the face of challenges and will to succeed.
Their drive and work ethic help create positive changes within their communities and schools; they play an integral role as leaders within their homes through significant family responsibilities.
Cohort Dynamics
They value collective effort, embrace opportunities to learn from each other, and strive to make a positive contribution to a team by:
- Treating others with respect
- Demonstrating self-awareness of how one’s words, attitude and responses impact others
- Taking ownership and responsibility for personal actions
- Possessing the maturity and personal integrity to do what is right, despite being in the minority

Application Components
Upload a copy of your high school transcript that includes your grades from 9th and 10th grade. Include a list of your currently enrolled 11th grade classes, as available.
Verification of U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status
Upload one of the seven required verification documents listed on the website.
Financial Verification
Provide a copy of a 2022 income tax return from both biological parents or guardian(s). Upload all pages of the tax return. If they do not file taxes, submit a completed non-filer form.
Upload a full-faced photo. All photos should only include you and be properly focused. Please refer to the College Board’s photo guidelines as a helpful reference.
Letter of recommendation (Recommended if your GPA is below 3.0)